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Quick tutorials of some of my favourite stitches

BEADING EMBROIDERY FOR BEGINNERS WITH SEWYEAH #embrodierystitches #embroiderytutorial

BEADING EMBROIDERY FOR BEGINNERS WITH SEWYEAH #embrodierystitches #embroiderytutorial

There are so many ways to decorate embroidery with beads and sequins. The beads can be pretty tiny so you do need a beading needle and finer floss. Where I can, I try to get my beads and sequins preloved from ebay or I buy old jewellery or sequinned clothing from charity shops and take them apart! 1. Bring your needle and floss up from the back of your work, thread on a sequin. Next thread on a bead, then take the needle and floss over and around the bead, and back through the sequin hole. The bead acts as an anchor, keeping the sequin in place. 2. Sew a series of straight stitches around the sequin and through the centre hole each time. Layering up smaller sequins for different effects. 3. Little beaded flowers look really cute and there is a quicker way of making them, rather than sewing each bead on individually. Begin by stitching the central bead in place. Bring the needle and floss out of the fabric just below the central bead, thread 6 beads onto the floss. Return the needle and floss into the fabric just beside the first stitch, carefully pull the floss, and let the beads arrange themselves in a loop around the central bead. Make a couple of small stitches between the beads catching the floss only the fabric and holding them all in place. SO CUTE! For more embroidery projects and to download a free 16 page embroidery ebook visit Music: Early Hours Muscian @iksonmusic

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